11 - Routine Verification

Last edit: 29/06/2023

In chapter 11 the Standard details the routine verification, which is intended to detect faults in materials and workmanship and to ascertain proper functioning of the manufactured assembly. It is made on every assembly. The assembly manufacturer has the responsibility to perform this verification. The assembly manufacturer shall determine if routine verification is carried out during and/or after manufacture. Where appropriate, routine verification shall confirm that design verification is available. 

Verification shall comprise the following categories: 

a)    Construction

  • Degree of protection of enclosures; 
  • Clearances and creepage distances; 
  • Protection against electric shock and integrity of protective circuits; 
  • Incorporation of built-in components; 
  • Internal electrical circuits and connections; 
  • Terminal for external conductors; 
  • Mechanical operation.

b)    Performance

  • Dielectric properties; 
  • Wiring, operational performance and function.